Friday, February 4, 2011

Religious Planning-Is it a “Ministry” or a “Job”. Can the two co-exist?

This is a question have had to confront myself.  I came into HelmsBriscoe seeing this as a ministry.  In my opinion the “Religious Market”-(I HATE THAT LABEL!!) is one of the hardest to serve. 
I tell planners and hotel partners all the time, you either “get” this market or you don’t.  There is no in-between.  There are many properties I work with that do “get it”.  And, I place business with them repeatedly because of that.  As a Christian-you are compelled to be a good steward with the resources you have, but at the same time most concessions are based on what you spend.  That is one heck of a Catch-22. You want to keep your overall cost down-so more people can be reached, but we should always demonstrate excellence.  We are to be an example to “The World”.  And unfortunately-the market has a reputation for wanting “everything for nothing”.
So-on the ministry side-the passion and desire help you push through the issues.  It is truly my desire to help make every program a raging success.  The meeting of 100 people at the local church should not be any less excellent than the 40,000 attendee meeting in an arena.  And I want everyone to realize that.
Now, I may step on some toes here, but it will be ok-I promise.  Serving and sacrifice is involved with “ministry”.  There isn’t one person working in the ministry that would argue with that.  For that matter-this entire blog would apply to any part of the "ministry", not just planning.  But…
On the job side-when you are putting in full-time hours to plan an event-you are due full-time pay. The Bible says-1 Timothy 5:18-..."Those who work deserve their pay".  God sees and remembers; but unfortunately, your treasure in heaven doesn’t keep the lights on.  If you are forced to “squeeze it in”, it is much more difficult to produce an excellent event, without passing out as soon as it is over, or worse yet—in the middle of it.  I have a picture of a friend of mine on my phone.  If I hadn’t sworn it wouldn’t see the light of day, I would post it here-but my word is my bond.  So, this picture was taken mid-conference and she is curled up on a bench, sleeping, with her clipboard in one hand and her walkie-talkie in the other.  This was only day 2. 
If I were to get in trouble with the law-I wouldn’t expect my lawyer friend to represent me for free or on the side.  I want his best.  I really don’t want my painter friend to use whatever he had laying around to paint my house.  Don’t give me left over crumbs for my banquet dinner.
I am WELL aware that not every ministry is set-up to have a full-time, paid planner.  Volunteers are AMAZING and they will get the job done with zeal and passion---But, it is my opinion that someone needs to be in charge and be able to give their focus to the event at hand.  There are unbelievable free resources and advice available.  Allow your people as much time and resources you possibly can. Such as HelmsBriscoe.  You had to know I would bring it up!!!  See, this is my ministry, as well as my job.  So, I say YES-they can co-exist.  Now, go check out what HB can do for you & let me know how I can help you--FOR FREE!!!!!

"Thank you for helping with hotel rates in London, and...everywhere" Israel Houghton, Multiple Grammy and Dove award winner-on liner notes of “Love God.Love People” album released August 2010

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