Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When you are walking in your purpose...work can be a good thing

I felt lead this morning to share a blog post I wrote last year for the Deserving Diva Makeover:

Many people have called me a workaholic-telling me to slow down-relax-recharge-find things that make me happy and to take time for those things.
Here is the irony…God has opened doors for me to do the things that make me happy-with amazing, precious, successful, movers & shakers for His Kingdom AS MY JOB!! I am happiest when running around a property working out the details for another awesome event-or just selling T-shirts for one of my clients. That is what God wired me for!

As the Community Outreach Director of Way of Life Community Church; I interact with the people of Tyrone and the surrounding area. We reach out to them whether it is Shop With A Cop, Thanksgiving Dinners, making goodie bags for the women’s shelter, overseeing the town Easter Egg Hunt, or planning and carrying out our baby-the Annual Back To School Bash. Is it a lot of work? YOU BET!! But when you see the kids’ smiles when they can’t carry the book bags filled with school supplies they just got free or the look of gratitude on the parent’s faces…IT IS SO WORTH IT!!!!

As Events Coordinator for NorthStar Pastoral Ministries, I work with the Directors on multiple international missions trips, training classes, retreats and conferences each year. I am part of a growing network of people and resources from all over the world. I travel with these people reaching and teaching thousands of people. Is it taxing? Sure it is. But the relationships, the wisdom of the team, the reactions of the attendees, being able to speak into people’s lives…IT IS SO WORTH IT!!!

As Manager of Global Accounts with HelmsBriscoe, much of my client base is the “Religious Market”. I don’t like that word! I work with ministries, speakers, recording artists, producers, etc. whose day to day work is furthering the Kingdom and spreading the Gospel. I am able to help them get the best deals on hotel and meeting space-FOR FREE! It cost them nothing to tap into the buying power and experience HB brings them. Plus-I am able to bring savings to their overall program. There are connections with properties and vendors worldwide that my clients may not have access to otherwise, AT NO COST TO THEM. Again-frustrating? At times. BUT SO WORTH IT!!

So the same things that frustrate and wear on me also recharge and revive me. Add in time with my hubby and kids, the occasional pedicure/massage and pure girl time with these same friends I work with, and I am good.
Thank you God, You are so good to me!!